Thursday, July 1, 2010

SummerTime Tips


I know I've disappeared for a moment but Im back now. Sorry! Ive missed you too! Hopefully everyone is having a great summer. To help keep it great and to help keep your hair in tip-top condition, here are a few tips to get you through the summer wear and tear.

1. SWIMMERS: Always, Always, ALWAYS shampoo your hair after swimming, especially in pools. The water is full of harmful chemicals that can change how your hair looks and feels. A few companies, such as Redken offer an "after swim" shampoo that you can look into using.

2.  MOISTURIZE... I can't stress this enough. Proper moisture is the key to healthy hair. The sun rays and other factors can effect the way your hair feels. By keeping it moisturized you battle dryness which can lead to breakage and perhaps an unwanted haircut!

3.  COVER YOUR HEAD: If by chance you dont prefer to deal with your hair, you can shampoo it properly, use a great conditioner and cover your dome with a nice sunhat or ball cap. By doing this you also get added protection from the sun. Even if you aren't showing your locks you should still keep them in good condition, with our without the hat.

4.  NO WET PONYTAILS:  Ladies I know you have a habit of pulling your wet hair into ponytails. Whether its after swimming or sweating in the gym. PLEASE STOP!  By constricting your hair while its wet, you risk constant breakage. Be sure your hair is fully dry and that your hair ties/clips aren't too tight.

5.  SHY AWAY FROM BACK TO BACK CHEMICALS:  By this I mean, don't go into the salon and get a chemical service performed (ie: relaxer, color, perm) then get into a pool full of chlorine (also a chemical). By doing this you risk severe dryness and breakage. Talk with your stylist about your summer plans and schedule before getting a chemical service.

This was just a few tips to get you started. I hope everyone has a safe and fun summer! Stay posted while I add more updates and tips.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Continuing The Blog....


In order to continue providing you with this free advice, I am in need of your support. It is very hard to judge the success of the blog if you do not become a follower. Please take the time to become a supporter of the blog.

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Its that easy!
So again I ask that you Tell A Friend and refer this blog to any and everyone with hair or who wants hair :) 

Your support is necessary and appreciated.
Thank you in advance


Monday, May 17, 2010

Weighing Your Options

In life, when seeking change, it is important to weigh your options in order to figure out if the change is worthwhile. The same rules apply when contemplating a change in hairstyle.  Sometimes people make drastic decisions based on circumstances, emotions or lifestyle, only to feel trapped in their new "do" or to find out that its not working for them. Being prepared and researching your future style is as important as having the right stylist to service you. So before you go any further, consider these tips:

1. Schedule a consultation. After you have decided on your stylist of choice, research the type of styles that you are considering. Check online for pictures as well as various hair magazines. Have many options in mind.

2. Make a list. Consider the pros and cons of your current hairstyle. Also make a list of what you would like to achieve from the future hairstyle. Be true to yourself about what you like and don’t like.

3. Ask questions. Once you have your pictures and your list, ask the stylist how each look is achieved AND maintained. Also go over the cost of the service and the future costs in order to maintain your style.

4. Don't fear rejection. Be prepared to possibly be disappointed. The reality is that every style isn’t for everybody. As a stylist, that is his/her job to make sure that the look you are considering fits your face and features, as well as your hair texture. But don’t fret, you can mix and match different styles for a custom look just for you.

5. Take your time.  Don’t make any drastic or hasty decisions. Relax and take time to think about all the information that you were given and which styles you like and don’t like. You have the final say.

Follow these few easy steps and I guarantee that you'll make the right decision for you. Who knows? You may even decide that your current style works the best and you end up making no changes. But its best to know these things in advance before you leave the salon as an unhappy customer.

Good luck and MO' HAIR!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Product of the Week

Mizani MoistureFusion
Milk Bath Shampoo
Mizani is a brand targeted towards African Americans, but I have used select products in clients' of other races hair. This shampoo is formulated with silk proteins and milk of almond extract (which probably gives it the scent that reeled me in! Mmmm!)  I love the scent and feel of this shampoo. If you are in need of moisture (like most of us are) then give a try. I think you will like it and if you don"t send the rest to me... 

For more information please visit the Mizani website.
**Available for purchase at select professional salons & beauty stores near you**

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prom -Which style do I wear?

Happy MAY everybody! :)
Do you know what May brings? The only time in a girl's life (besides her wedding day) where she will do everything possible in order to make sure her hair, nails, skin and outfit is 100% up to par! Yes Ladies & Gents:   

These days it doesn’t seem to be as big a deal as it was back when I was growing up, but I personally think it’s a time that every young lady should experience. Yes the fellas are needed to escort the ladies, but let's be honest, just like a wedding, this day is more often steered by the prom go-er (and her mother).

So with that being said you want your hairstyle to evenly match your dress. If your dress has a lot of accents on it, you don’t want to wear an up do that is too "busy". It’s tricky when it comes to matching hairstyles to a person's face and neckline of the chosen dress.

Here are a few tips:

1.      About a month before the prom, seek a professional stylist to help you achieve your look. Bring in pictures, magazines or anything else you can find of ideas for your style. 
2.      Be sure to bring a picture of your dress or be able to accurately explain the neckline to your stylist. Is your dress a halter? Strapless? High neck? V-neck? These things matter so bring all the valuable information.  At that time your stylist can go over which styles work with your dress and face structure.
3.      Be open to options. Remember every style isn’t for everybody. By working together you can mix and match ideas to come up with something unique for you and your look. 
4.       Wear a button down shirt. There's nothing worse than having the cutest style then completely ruin it by pulling off a t-shirt while trying to get into the shower.
5.       After deciding on a look, schedule your time accordingly. If you know you have extremely long or thick hair or you are getting a style that takes some time, don’t schedule your appointment 3 hours before you need to be there. This is a special day… you don’t want to rush your style (or stylist!)
6.       Understand the cost. This isn’t your average wash and style service. Many stylists move their regular clientele to accommodate those going to prom. These courtesies sometimes go unnoticed but usually worked into the cost of your style. Time and creativity is being put into your special day and 9 times out of 10 it is a style that you wont have again and don’t usually wear, so be understanding on why the cost are a bit steeper.
7.       If extensions are needed, don’t get it done THAT day. I suggest going in a few days prior (or even a week) and then coming in on prom day for a styling. Extensions are time consuming and more than likely the stylist has other clients that day. This may cause an issue with your time schedule, so to save yourself some stress and/or hassle, just don’t do it.

Hopefully everyone will have a safe prom season. Send me a pic! :) 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Soon Is Too Soon?

Everyone tries to get the most out of their style, usually by prolonging the time in between services. There are some instances where this is ok and times when it can work against you. Below you will find the proper amount of time to wait between your appointments. Take a look:

Permanent Color / Every 4-6 Weeks
The ideal time to wait is 4-6 weeks. If you are wearing another chemical service as well such as a relaxer or a perm make sure you wait at least 2-3 weeks between each chemical service in order to prevent massive breakage. If you have a finer texture of hair, you may also want to wait a little longer. Tip: Sticking to a shade closer to your natural color will make it easier for you. Your roots wont show as much. Not to mention the lighter you go the harsher it is on your hair.

Hair Extensions / 8weeks - 6months
There are many types of hair extensions; all in different price ranges and lasting different amounts of time. Leaving your extensions in longer than recommended can lead to tangles, hair loss, and breakage. I don't recommend you getting a service that you aren't willing to maintain properly. Know you limits. Of course every person is different and sometimes styles last longer than others as well as less time than others. But just because it still looks good to YOU 4months later, doesn't mean its good for your hair OR scalp. Extensions done with bonding glue are generally good for approx 2-3weeks MAX!  Sew-Ins 8weeks, Braids 2weeks-3months (depending on style and type of hair used, if any) and fusion anywhere from 3-6months. Ive seen some stylist advertise that they can last a year with proper maintenance. I don't doubt it, but that isn't for everyone. Use caution and seek a professional for all extension services. Tip: Be sure to shampoo your hair and scalp thoroughly. If your service was done with bonding glue it CAN NOT be shampooed.  All others please be sure to maintain healthy hair and scalp. Remember if a stylist tells you not to shampoo your hair with your extensions, (unless its bonding glue) DO IT ANYWAY... and find a new stylist.

Relaxer Touch Up / 4-8 Weeks
Every 6 weeks is the average amount of time between touch ups. Certain hair types and textures can go longer without suffering any damage. Keep in mind, if you are going to wait extended amounts of time between touch-ups, you must take EXTRA special care of your hair so that it doesn't break at the line of demarcation between new growth and previously relaxed hair. There are times when a 4week relaxer touch-up may be needed. This usually happens if a "corrective" relaxer needs to be done or for women who just need a little around the back and edges. My short haired friends can vouch for this ;) Tip: Make sure you wait the proper amount of time. Getting a relaxer too soon when there isn't enough new-growth can cause overlapping of chemicals which can weaken your hair structure and cause breakage.

Texturizer / 4weeks - 6months
You may notice the time frame on texturizers have a very wide range.  That is because it depends on the length of hair being processed. Those with shorter styles will probably get it more often... somewhere between 4-6weeks, while those with longer hair or fine textures will wait longer, only getting it done a couple times a year. See your stylist to find out what time frame is best for you.Tip: For those with shorter styles who like the curly look, if you keep hair cut regularly, it will increase the amount of curls. The longer it gets the more relaxed the curl pattern will be.

If I missed something that you have a question about, leave it in the comment section and I promise to return with an answer or advice for all :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Finding The Right One

Finding the right stylist or barber, is just as hard as finding the right car, job and mate. Probably more like a mate because it’s definitely a relationship that you want to keep as long as possible and you want to work out. You get to know one another; their needs, wants, likes and dislikes. Just like any relationship there is a lot of give and take on both parts. When treating each other right, you both benefit. The stylist benefits by having your business and you benefit by receiving healthy hair. It’s a win-win for all. The best thing for your hair is to get it accustomed to one pair of hands.

Constantly moving around from stylist to stylist is a quick way to end up with hair issues. Different products, skill levels and personal styles can cause your hair to suffer. I find that people move around for many reasons. Scheduling, personality conflicts, location, bad service but most of all PRICE!  I’m all about finding a deal… trust me. But as the old saying goes, sometimes you get what you pay for. And although super cheap hair isn’t a good idea, don’t assume that the more pricey places will give you glamorous service or hair. I’ve heard my fair share of places that charge ga-zillion dollars to make you look like you did it at home yourself. In that instance, you paid for atmosphere. I’ve also seen some wonderful stylists, but their downfall is they will keep you in the chair ALL day long.That may be okay with some clients but for others they may prefer to find someone just as good, but who moves a bit faster.

Of course we all know that you can spend your money any way that you want to, but just be careful. If the barber/stylist that you go to, have more positives than negatives, then I’d suggest that you stay there. No one is perfect and you cant please everyone. Find someone that you like and trust and most of all STAY LOYAL to that stylist. Being a loyal client has its perks such as discounted pricing or occasional free services or VIP scheduling. I understand that there are some situations will cause you to break up, but if all is going well 95% of the time, then you are in a good place. 

So hopefully you appreciate us in return :)